Online Physical Therapy
Aiding Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis through Tele-PT Services
Tele-PT services supply valuable aid for individuals with multiple MS, providing access to specialized recovery interventions, indication management strategies, and education from the ease of home. Within this blog piece, we’ll investigate how tele-PT services can aid individuals with MS improve mobility, handle fatigue, and improve overall well being. Discover how online sessions can empower persons with MS to live energetic, fulfilling lives with the help of a skilled therapist.
We offer customized online physical therapy services so you can heal without leaving your house. In each one-on-one session, Dr. Kevin provides you with a thorough evaluation and treatment plan, tailored for your specific needs. Your session includes a demonstration of each exercise prescribed in the customized home exercise program he develops for you, ensuring proper technique and patient understanding. Thank you for choosing Dr. Kevin to help you meet your needs and achieve your health goals.
515 Mausoleum Rd.,
Union Dale, PA 18470